Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We have a baby boy!

On October 14th at 7:12 in the morning Jennafer and I were joined by a small, but healthy, baby boy. Labor was quick but delivery proved difficult and it took a cesarean section to bring our new son into the world.

Jennafer did an amazing job but will need a bit of time to recover from the ordeal. We're going to spend the next few nights in the hospital and then expect to be home on Saturday.

Our boy weighed in at 4 lbs and 7 1/2 oz and measured 16 1/4 inches. We have a few names we're considering for our son but will spend a bit more time with him before making a final decision.

Jenn just fell asleep and I will do the same soon. In wrapping this up I want to share the first time Jennafer held her son.

Friday, September 12, 2008

(Hospital) room with a view

Today Jennafer and I are in the hospital where we, and our growing baby, have been for the past two days.

Following a routine sonogram this past Wednesday doctors were concerned that she may deliver early and admitted her to the hospital for monitoring. Fortunately the baby, at 30 weeks and 2 days, is looking great and the doctors feel optimistic that the baby will stay put for some weeks to come.

At the moment we're typing away on our laptops, waiting on lunch, and eagerly waiting to hear if she will be discharged today. Our room is a labor and delivery room with a nice view of a tree just outside the window. In this ward on each of the past two nights we both startled awake to the sounds of a women in labor, quite an amazing and, understandably for Jennafer, scary experience.

Family and friends have been very supportive this past week and we come away from the experience with a lot more knowledge and a high level of comfort for the care CPMC provides to expectant mothers. Although the hospital staff have been extremely kind and weeks of bedrest lay ahead for her, Jennafer (and I) can't wait to go home!

One more note - that initial sonogram that led to these events also gave us a few wonderful new pictures of our baby... enjoy!

From Baby Sonogram 091008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby In 3D

Jennafer is at 19 weeks today and we had our 20 week fetal survey this morning (I know, I know... shouldn't the 20 week survey be at week 20?), everything checked out just fine. So far everything looks to be going as expected and our growing baby clocked in at a whopping 8 inches long! We wanted to share a 3D enhanced sonogram of the little tyke...

There are more pictures to see in this photoalbum for our visit, so stop reading and get to clicking!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby On Board

I alluded to big "changes" coming in my last post, well these changes can best be reflected in the image below...

That's right, Jennafer is pregnant! It's been a very long road so far and it's still quite early; only nine weeks and six days as of today. We also know there are likely to be more challenges ahead but we're happy to be where we are right now and fortunate that we have each other.

An amazing little critter ain't it?


Saturday, April 12, 2008


No I'm not drinking a forty although it doesn't sounds like a horrible idea (does Chimay come in a 40 oz'er?).

This past Sunday I turned 40 years old and being who I am I'm just blogging about it now. I have left my 30's behind, not by choice but I'm feeling just fine about the move.

I can't believe how many important milestones I've crossed over the past year. A lot has changed for me recently but of course I feel exactly the same. More changes are coming (I'm not kidding *huge fat wink*) and life rolls on.

*glug glug glug*

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alex and I in the studio again

Last year Chris, Alex and I recorded the following jam that I like quite a bit. I'd called it Old Lies Come Home (mp3 - 01/10/07) and you can hear the original below.

Alex and I went to the studio last weekend and I started playing the riff, not quite the same but I think it makes for a good verse. Just need to come up with a chorus and of course the ever elusive lyrical content.

'tis what it 'tis...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Life (or the lack thereof) in digital

This past Christmas Jenn and I decide to avoid getting gifts for one another and instead to upgrade our digital life together. The result can be seen in the happy image below.

A big fat 46" LCD and on top of that a new Wii make it likely that we will never leave the house again. Just in time for the rains, woohoo!