Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby On Board

I alluded to big "changes" coming in my last post, well these changes can best be reflected in the image below...

That's right, Jennafer is pregnant! It's been a very long road so far and it's still quite early; only nine weeks and six days as of today. We also know there are likely to be more challenges ahead but we're happy to be where we are right now and fortunate that we have each other.

An amazing little critter ain't it?


Saturday, April 12, 2008


No I'm not drinking a forty although it doesn't sounds like a horrible idea (does Chimay come in a 40 oz'er?).

This past Sunday I turned 40 years old and being who I am I'm just blogging about it now. I have left my 30's behind, not by choice but I'm feeling just fine about the move.

I can't believe how many important milestones I've crossed over the past year. A lot has changed for me recently but of course I feel exactly the same. More changes are coming (I'm not kidding *huge fat wink*) and life rolls on.

*glug glug glug*