Saturday, August 4, 2007

Popping the cherry

First post on this blog, hey look at me go!

So I finally feel like I'm settling into my job, it's taken quite a bit longer than I anticipated for a variety of reasons. I really like the company and the people and I'm determined to make it work.

I've been engaged to Jennafer now for just about four weeks and still finding it surreal that I'm getting married. We're aiming for a late November or early December wedding... more on this later.

Still spending a lot of time on my computer but less involved with games and more involved with music and exploring political, scientific and philosophical news sites.

A friend pointed me towards, "an online collective of deep thinkers". Not much of a web site but any site with content by Richard Dawkins is worth exploring. Also found and dropped ToneDrones onto,an excellent site for both bands and individual musicians. MySpace is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. I hope to see more bands fleeing the MySpace spammers and settling into the welcoming bosom of sites like Fuzz. Die MySpace die!!!!

1 comment:

FlexApr said...

Aha, poo! You finally exemplify the critical thinker yoo iz, dummy! I feel like I'm always enlightening yoo. LOL, ep. Keep this shit up! I didn't even know you'd begun blogging!

~ bro. Alex. :P