Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Recently I'd been curious about podcasts, not creating them but just listening to them! I know I'm way behind the curve on this but I'd never bothered to look into what podcasts had to offer. I had a gander in recent weeks and have been pleasantly surprised by what's out there.

I used to listen to NPR quite a bit on the radio but have found that harder to do in may last two jobs. I've known for a long time that shows were available online but only recently downloaded a few. I love 'em - podcasts are great... and free!

I'm trying out a few different podcasts and in addition to a few favorites from radio, NPR: Talk of the Nation and PRI: To the Best of Our Knowledge, have found a great listen with The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe.

If you have a chance I suggest a listen to all three!

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